20 Amazing Ways To Be A Helpertunity Helper:


  1. Link to Helpertunity's Facebook page to stay current on what the organization is doing.  Include Helpertunity in your Interests or Facebook News Feed, and share our status updates and new project posts with your friends and family.  Like our pictures, comment on our efforts, and cheer on the hard-working volunteers that make everything Helpertunity does possible and for a greater purpose.

    Facebook button


  2. Helpertunity is a unique organization, which believes strongly in community involvement and high-impact philanthropy.  We admire and encourage Charity + Facility + Community + Corporate collaborations; which is why we offer unique ways that these groups can help one another and have fun at the same time.  Contact Helpertunity about having us custom-design creative and beneficial activities for your corporate social-responsibility programs, employee-volunteerism efforts, or by virtual-visitation projects at a distance.  This recreation-driven organization loves to help people connect in festive ways to serve others.

    HLN's Busy Bag Kit-Packing Volunteer-Day at the Hartford Corporate Offices
    HLN's Busy Bag Kit-Packing Volunteer-Day at the Hartford Corporate Offices 

    The charity is proud to be invited to consult and train at Care Facilities and Human-Service Agencies; but some of these staff-development-sites need an additional helping-hand from the community, while working together with Helpertunity, to make their research and program-development needs and dreams a reality.  Helpertunity is honored to be offered fundraiser countertop or table-space at local businesses or events, or to provie advertising in exchange for goodwill-promotional-support funding and sponsirship-grants from local businesses. 

     Candy and more 

    Helpertunity also enjoys hosting educational-recreation programs and interactive "Volunteer Lunch & Learns" or "On-Site Community-Service Parties" for your company's employees:

    Well Wishers

    Contact Eileen at 407-234-4768 or e-mail Eileen@Helperutnity.org to find out how your company or business can connect with the charitable work of Helperunity in the community.

  3. Helpertunity's Founder has spoken professionally for Recreation Professional's Association Conferences, at Regional Ombudsman's Program Meetings, and for Facility Staff In-service Training Events. Contact Eileen directly at 407-234-4768 or Eileen@Helpertunity.org to request her to speak live or online for your employees, resident council, or professional organization.

    Speaker for Helpertunity

    Eileen Callejas, MA, MBA, MS IDT, AC, Ph.D. (abd) was invited to speak with Regional Long Term Care Ombudsman: These are the tireless volunteers who advocate for Nursing Home Patient's Rights to Quality Care, manage the Elder Care Hotline, and investigate reports of Elder Abuse.  


    Eileen is currently working on her Ph.D. Dissertation in Public Policy (Non-Profit Management & Health Policy). Research and Consultation opportunities are always welcomed.

  4. There are many grants that Helpertunity could qualify for as a 501c3 Tax Exempt Public Charity, but the first step in receiving a grant often relies on being nominated!  If you are aware of private or public funding or recognition that Hepertunity, or any of its Projects might qualify for; Please nominate Helpertunity for the Grant or Award, and let us know about your supportive efforts.

    Helpertunity gets an Award from the Florida Healthcare Activity Coordinators Association
    Helpertunity Receives a Prestigious Award in 2015 from the Florida Healthcare Activity Coordinator's Association for our ongoing creative efforts and initiatives at Nursing Homes


    You can contact a Helpertunity Project Leader to share details, or speak directly with Helpertunity's Founder & President.  If you are applying for a project-grant, and would like to collaborate with Helpertunity as a grant-fulfillment entity, please forward a copy of the application, and call us to discuss the details.  You can contact Helpertunity's founder directly by Messaging the Helpertunity Facebook page, by calling Eileen at 407-234-4768, or by sending an e-mail to Eileen@Helpertunity.org.  


  1. Put your creative talents to their best use; and help by making large-scale decorative quilts, wall-hangings, and painted or printed canvas backdrop decor for nursing home lobbies and dining areas. 

    Artisan-Made Quilt Photo-Backdrop and Easter Swag Gift Tree at AHCC Apopka South in April 2019
    Artisan-Made Quilt Photo-Backdrop and Easter Swag Gfit Tree at AHCC Apopka South in April 2019


    Or, create sets of washable/collapsable/re-usable table-centerpieces, that are safe and fashionable for nursing-home dining rooms to rent from Helpertunity and display for upcoming holidays.  Folks who enjoy making smaller gift items are encouraged to contribute handmade holiday party-swag to accompany Helpertunity's Decor-Diva Art-Installations. Most swag items will be shared with eldercare facility residents and their hero-staff of daily-caregivers at these unique art-installation events.

    Facility Dining Room is Decorated for Valentines Day with Quilts and Backdrops and Centerpieces
    Facility Dining Room is Decorated for Valentines day with Quilts and Backdrops and Centerpieces


    If you would like to contribute a few of your craft items you may send them to the organization by mail, or request a pick-up of items in the Orlando, Florida Area.  To reduce excess logistics expenses, please consider coordinating with other nearby crafters, facilities, or community groups, and collect your donated display-decor and gift items together before contacting Helpertunity.  

    Painting Ceramic Bunnies with the Visiting Art Cart Volunteers at AHCC Apopka South in April 2019
    Painting Ceramic Bunnies with the Visiting Art Cart Volunteers at AHCC Apopka South in April 2019


    Please ALWAYS call in advance to the organization's main office to alert us that a shipment is on the way; 407-234-4768, then kindly send bulk-rate packages to:  Helpertunity, PO Box 1956, Apopka, FL  32704-1956.

  2. Helpertunity, along with our affiliated care facilities, realize the value of capturing photos and creating videos about the efforts of our marvelous volunteers and participants.  And, often it is difficult for Recreation Professionals and Volunteers to juggle leading an activity, with our unique clients needs, AND be behind the camera too!  Lending your creative media talents to Helpertunity could make all the difference.

    Helpertunity Awards a Thank-You -Photo-Collage to those who Nominated the Charity to recieve a $5000 Program Grant from a Nationwide Foundation in 2014
    Helpertunity Awards a Thank-You-Photo-Collage to those who Nominated the Charity to receive a $5000 Program Grant from a Nationwide Foundation in 2014


    If you have a particular talent for taking portraits and candid photos that show people at their best, please consider volunteering as a Helpertunity Photo-Journalist, and join our volunteers on a facility activity visit.  If you have a particular talent with videography or multi-media, please consider volunteering to assist Helpertunity with creating and editing instructional videos and documentaries about our dedicated volunteers and their projects.  Please contact Helpertunity directly to discuss your time availability and skills.   Call 407-234-4768 or e-mail Eileen@Helpertunity.org.

  3. Helpertunity is utilizing the help of sewing volunteers to make customized wheelchair, walker, bed-rail, and arm-chair "Busy Bags" for able care-facility clients.  

    Our Busy Bags Kit Packing Team Volunteering at the Helpertunity Home-Office in 2020
    Our Busy Bags Kit Packing Team Volunteering at the Helpertunity Home-Office in 2020


    We also invite Volunteer Fashionistas to sew and donate Designer and Embellished Busy Bags... OR... to create and donate customized Embroidery-Patches and Iron-On-Appliques for use in Helpertunity's Busy Bag Project fundraising & advocacy efforts. 

    Testing Out the New Six Needle Embroidery Machine with Ms. Janet


    This project was created in order to advocate for increased patient-access to "independent and skill-based recreational pursuits" by nursing home residents.

    Download the Complete 7 Page Printable PDF Instructions & Pattern of the Helpertunity Busy Bag by Clicking Here!


    Diane Showing the Helpertunity Busy Bag Patterns new Drawstring Upgrade in 2018
    Diane Showing the Helpertunity Busy Bag Patterns new Drawstring Upgrade in 2018


    Completed bags, as well as crafting resources such as clean quality fabric, thread, velcro, zippers, puzzle books, click pens, grown-up coloring books, markers, scissors, silk flowers & fashion stringing beads may be sent to:  Helpertunity, PO Box 1956, Apopka, FL  32704

    Click to print a poster containing a more complete listing of in-kind resource-needs below:

    Busy Bag Sewing Volunteers and Specific Craft Supplies Needed Poster
    Busy Bag Sewing Volunteers and Specific Craft Supplies Needed Poster


  4. Helpertunity volunteers enjoy visiting care facilities to play games, host events, and take part in projects.  The organization prides itself in recognizing the time and talents of each of its volunteers and facility participants, and likes to put the talents of even more volunteers to good use making creative recognitions possible.


    Maria testing the first Helpertunity Peg Loom made for Single-Handed Weaving of Scarves


    If you enjoy wood carving, scroll sawing, plaster casting, or ceramics; then please consider volunteering to create unique and one-of-a-kind handmade wall plaques, art class figurines, wooden peg-weaving looms, or gift items to share with Helpertunity participants.   Patterns and specific project needs and ideas are available from the organization.  


    A participant enjoying her class in faux patina plaster painting using angel plaques hand-caste in plaster
    A volunteer-participant enjoying her class in faux patina plaster painting using angel plaques hand-caste in plaster


    Donations of solid wood planks, plaster mix, bisque ceramics, clean yarn, beautiful beads, sturdy scrapbook cardstock, and soft fabric yardage are always welcome.  For more details, please contact Eileen directly at 407-234-4768 / Eileen@Helpertunity.org. 



    Sponsor Helpertunity to create a Co-Braned CSR Fundraising Table or Attendee-Activity Game-Booth at your Mission-Relevant Expo Event
    Sponsor Helpertunity to create a Co-Branded CSR Fundraising Table or Attendee-Activity Game-Booth at your Mission-Relevant Expo Event


    Corporate Social Responsibility and C-Corp / Charity Co-Branding are here to stay for businesses that hope to compete in our ever-evolving globally-aware marketplace.  Slash the wasteful swag-bag, and allow Helpertunity to offer your expo-attendees a unique and memorable interactive give-back or participant-play experience that directly benefits the charity's community programs and advocacy efforts instead.  This project is specially designed for Businesses and Benefit Corporations whose philosophies may align or overlap with Helpertunity's Mission in achieving their select social-responsibility and eco-benefit Sustainable Development Goals from the United Nation's Global Compact #Envision2030 initiative. 


    Expo Attendees Pledge to host a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser for Helpertunity in exchange for On-Site Game-Play or a Sponsor-Prize
    Expo Attendees Pledge to host a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser for Helpertunity in exchange for On-Site Game-Play or a Sponsor-Prize


    This option is especially encouraged for companies who are planning to visit for Conventions in the Orlando Florida area.  By graciously sponsoring a Two-Person Expo-Activity-Team from Helpertunity; Corporations can reduce their carbon footprint, eliminate travel/lodging costs, reduce swag shipping costs, eliminate meal expenses, create local goodwill sentiments, and save time/talent and so much more.  With this alternative; well-branded businesses would be converting all of those expo-associated overhead expenses into positive-value for a great local charity's community beneficial-initiatives instead.

    Contact Eileen directly at 407-234-4768 or e-mail the charity at Eileen@Helpertunity.org to discuss schedule availability and customized or co-branded booth needs for your corporation.


  2. Contribute your talent to create virtual gifts for elders, disabled, and itinerant persons; even from a distance!  Helpertunity is always here to welcome those with creative and adaptive technology spirit.  Helpertunity can easily connect tech-savvy volunteers with our charity's virtual-wish-list, as well as link volunteers to local eldercare and handicap-accessible facilities who are looking for Virtual Resources.


    Players strategize for the GeoHunt - a custom BYOD geo cache teambuilding game desinged for nursing home activity directors at their first ever all tech-themed training camp in 2012
    Players strategize for the GeoHunt - a custom BYOD geo cache teambuilding game designed for nursing home activity directors at their first-ever all tech-themed training camp in 2012.


    QR Code Tagged or Geo-Tagged Property Tours and Training Game Hunts, Custom/Printable Word Searches, Coloring Pages and other Puzzles, Virtual Photo Effects & Frames, and other Custom-Designed Virtual Swag Prizes, as well as Elder Accessibility-Friendly Recreation Apps.



    GeoHunting After Dark - custom Google Maps based teambuilding game designed for Nursing Home activity Directors Tech themed Training Retreat camp-over in 2012
    Geo-Hunting After Dark - custom Google Maps based team building geocache / puzzle-hunt game designed for Nursing Home activity Directors Tech themed Training Retreat camp-over in 2012


    For more information on gaining community service hours through virtual-resource design, contact Eileen Directly at 407-234-4768 or by e-mail at Eileen@Helpertunity.org.  You can also direct-message the organization's founder at www.facebook.com/helpertunity 


    Geo Hunt Printable Game Board


  3. Helpertunity and affiliated Elder Care Facilities use a wide variety of recreational resources, adaptive game equipment, and activity tools to help special participants achieve quality of life and purpose throughout their day.  This is especially true when patients are facing quarantine conditions during the flu season.  In addition to a wide variety of craft supplies, puzzles, and pocket games, facilities also appreciate receiving: small perfumes and scented lotions, nail polish, emery boards, lipsticks and chapsticks, combs and hairbrushes, toothbrushes, tissue packs, earbuds, fresh batteries, notepads and pens, and pocket-sized poetry, joke, and quotation books.

    Helpertunity uses donation supply drives to collect puzzle books and small games and playing cards to share with nursing home residents
    Helpertunity uses donation supply drives to collect puzzle books and small games and playing cards to share with nursing home residents


    Contributions of these items can be made to Helpertunity for facility distribution and are a great creative alternative to the ever-common toy or canned drives for company employees or conference attendees to participate in as a boost to community give-back and morale.

     Call 407-234-4768 for the best elder and disabled activity-resource supply-drive suggestions an to plan your Activity Resource Supply Drive for Helpertunity if you are visiting the Orlando Florida Area.  I f your business or corporate offices are located within Central Florida, please call or e-mail Eileen@Helpertunity.org to get Helpertunity's most updated list of local-facility activity needs.

  4. Helpertunity is able to accomplish many of its efforts only because the organization has the support of other social benefit-corporations, volunteer clubs, church ministries, civic organizations, youth groups, and university service networks.  These groups can get involved as a team and lend a hand, or they can simply support the works of Helpertunity through independent fundraising and financial sponsorship for one or more of Helpertunity's Projects or Events.  

    Corporate Volunteer Day - Office staff Invite Helpertunity to host a Well Wishes Card Making Party
    Corporate Volunteer Day - Office staff Invite Helpertunity to host a Well Wishes Card Making Party and collectively donate to Helpertunity's many other efforts too.


    Helpertunity would be proud to be the "Charity of the Month" for any organization whose mission aligns with our goals, and Helpertunity is always happy to be the ongoing recipient of collaborative efforts and support.  To discuss ideas, customized projects, and details; please contact Helpertunity's founder directly by Facebook Message on the Helpertunity Page, by phone at 407-234-4768 or by e-mail at Eileen@Helpertunity.org.

    Helpertunity Accepts a Project Grant from the Apopka Rotary to begin the Busy Bag Quilting and Fabric Crafting Club at a local Nursing Home
    Helpertunity Accepts a Project Grant from the Apopka Rotary to begin the Busy Bag Quilting and Fabric Crafting Club at a local Nursing Home



  1. Great communication, media literacy, and technology tools are essential to the growth and success of every person and organization today.  It is possible to show elderly, disabled, and itinerant persons that you care about their needs by using your talents "behind the scenes" to help our organization with the technology that helps them.  

    Helpertunity's First Drupal ream Team Developer Charity-Sprint and Design Day - Collaborating on WebSite Coding

    Helpertunity greatly appreciates the talents of the technology-savvy heroes who have already supported our efforts!  Our online-outreach continues to expand, with upcoming activity'professional's distanced-training and social-media-based volunteer outreach already in development.  

    Helpertunity's First Drupal Dream Team Graphic Arts Charity-Sprint and Design Day - Graphics Volunteer

    The ability of the organization to become sustainable directly impacts the organization's potential to hire such talented individuals in the future.  We invite you to volunteer your time to assist our current Drupal Web Development Team.

    Volunteer Helping Nursing Home Elder with Technology for Virtual Visits with Family and Friends

    Or; we invite you to provide live or remote tech support or distance-entertainment support for upcoming Helpertunity Volunteers and Entertainers' scheduled "Video-Visitation Days" via Facebook, Messenger, What's App, and PortalTV - in collaboration with Helpertunity's affiliated Eldercare Facilities in need. 

    Find and Friend "Granny-SeeSing SilverJoy" on Facebook and please contact Eileen Callejas directly at 407-234-4768 / Eileen@Helpertunity.org to express interest and get more details.

  2. Helpertunity is an official 501c3 public charity, and therefore is able to accept and oversee volunteers, and unpaid interns, for community service hours.  If you are interested in completing service hours by assisting Helpertunity with events, projects, technology support, media design, or administrative tasks, please contact Eileen Callejas directly at 407-234-4768 / Eileen@Helpertunity.org.  

    Volunteers who serve directly at a local care facility assist Helpertunity and the Activity Staff with a new Candy Making Class
    Volunteers who serve directly at a local care facility assist Helpertunity and the Activity Staff with a new Candy Making Class 


    For the safety of our affiliated clients; volunteers who are wishing to assist Helpertunity in direct live or live-online contact with elderly, disabled, itinerant persons, or youth will need to submit to a full background screening, at their own expense, and must complete a liability waiver and media release with the organization, as well as with the facility of participation-interest.  

    Those wishing to volunteer independently at a nursing home or other care facility will be put in direct contact with a participating Activity Professional, who will schedule and track their volunteer hours directly through that facility, in accordance with the facility's volunteer policies and procedures. 

  3. Helpertunity cares about the well-being of the world and its people, all along the supply-chain and creation-process.  Whenever possible; Helpertunity has been working to reuse, repurpose, recycle, replenish, respect, and respond in ways that support sustainable development. 


    Recycling and Repurposing materials is often a part of Activity Programs as a means for supplying crafting resources on a limited budget
    Recycling and Repurposing materials is often a part of Activity Programs as a means for supplying crafting resources on a limited budget.


    From designing carnival games to teach kids the value of separating recyclable waste, to sewing and delivering reusable cloth masks to nursing homes in response to the 2020 pandemic; Helpertunity is always happy to connect with volunteers who care in ever-evolving and adaptive ways, and YOU could be the most valuable new person on our volunteer team!


    Handmade Masks and Busy Bags delivered to nearby Nursing Homes during the Pandemic


    As part of Helpertunity's #Envision2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the charity will begin focusing even more attention on incorporating eco-technologies like solar power generation and water-reducing drip-irrigation into its hands-on nursing-home outreach programs and to reduce the expenses of its home-workspace efforts. 


    Replenishing and Repurposing through acts of volunteerism - Nursing Home Activity Directors learn how care facility based elders can safely participate in woodworking projects for recreation
    Replenishing and Repurposing through acts of volunteerism - Nursing Home Activity Directors learn how care facility based elders can safely participate in woodworking projects for recreation.


    The charity will also be looking to collaborate and support the human potential of women and girls, in the US and in developing countries as well; especially in projects that support our elder and disability empowerment missions.


    Teaching how Crafts and Technology fit together - Helpertunity inspires Activty Directors to shart sharing their projects and accomplishments on Facebook and Pinterest at the Annual Training Retreat in 2014 -2
    Teaching how Crafts and Technology fit together - Helpertunity inspires Activty Directors to shart sharing their projects and accomplishments on Facebook and Pinterest at the Annual Training Retreat in 2014.


    Helpertunity is already laying the foundation for intergenerational  & distanced STEAMM TEAM Sponsorships and Projects; to inspire growth in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math, and Medicine; to add to our existing love of Nature, Historical Cosplay, and Reminiscence as a way to inspire life-long learning! 


    Nursing Home Activity Staff and Volunteers learn adaptive woodcrafting and recycled-crafts activities that are safe and easy to do with their eldercare patients
    Nursing Home Activity Staff and Volunteers learned adaptive wood-crafting and recycled-resource crafts activities that are safe and easy to complete with their eldercare patients during the Annual Activity Professionals' Training Retreat in 2014.


  4. Helpertunity has been busy advocating for more Eldercare Facilities and Supportive Housing Shelters to become WiFi-Enabled and Technology-Equipped; so that more facility clients can connect with distant friends and family.

    Elder having a Virtual Visit using Social Media and a borrowed SmartPhone

    It has been heartbreaking to see that some residents and clients do not have loved ones or friends, even at a distance, who are able to connect with them online.  Volunteers are needed to be "Virtual-Visitors" and "Online Game-Pals" for these disconnected or foster-care elderly and disabled persons.  

    Elders gathered to watch an Entertainer using Social Media and Virtual-Visitation Technology over the Facility Television

    Volunteer candidates should enjoy playing simple online social games, video-chatting, singing, reading aloud, exercising, or otherwise interacting with and entertaining individual or small groups of elders.    Please begin by finding, friending, and sending a message to "Granny-SeeSing ElderJoy" on Facebook and Contact Eileen Callejas at 407-234-4768 or email Eileen@Helpertunity.org to become part of Helpertunity's test-pilot "Virtual-Volunteer-Visitation" project.

    Volunteer Helping Elder Participate in Virtual Exercise Class using WiFi and Notebook Computer

    Following a video-chat interview, volunteers will be put in contact with a participating facility's Activity Director or Recreation Technology Specialist, who will coordinate scheduling of their clients' online time, and provide assistance as needed.  

    For the safety of our affiliate facility clients, volunteers who will be visiting privately and using live-online technologies with unrelated elderly, disabled, or homeless persons, may be asked to submit to a background screening before beginning their volunteer service. 



  1. Technology is a new addition to the elder and disadvantaged care industry.  Beyond using facility computers for administrative tasks, residents and clients can also benefit from modern advancements.


    Teaching how Crafts and Technology fit together - Helpertunity inspires Activty Directors to shart sharing their projects and accomplishments on Facebook and Pinterest at the Annual Training Retreat in 2014
    Teaching how Crafts and Technology fit together - Helpertunity inspires Activty Directors to shart sharing their projects and accomplishments on Facebook and Pinterest at the Annual Training Retreat in 2014


    New and experienced Activity and Recreation Professionals can advance the industry by becoming "Recreation-Technology Certified" with the assistance of Helpertunity.  


    Tech Savvy Activities Bingo - A Presentation based on the findings of a Research Project in Tech Access for Elderly Facility Patients

    Rec-Tech Specialists focus on how to incorporate various technologies into an existing healthcare activity program, and how to work patiently with elderly and disabled clients.  


    Teaching how Technology and Social Media Sharing with fellow Professionals can benifit the Eldercare Patient Community - when Activity Directors are Connected - Everyone else's lives can Improve too.
    Teaching how Technology and Social Media Sharing with fellow Professionals can benefit the Eldercare Patient Community - when Activity Directors are better Connected - Everyone else's lives can Improve too.


    Continuing Education Courses, Rec-Tech Training Scholarships, and Technology Training Contact-Hour Participation Certificates are offered live or via online/distanced instruction.  Contact Eileen@Helpertunity.org  or call 407-234-4768 for details.   


    Tech Savvy Activities Bingo - A Presentation based on the findings of a Research Project in Tech Access for Elderly Facility Patients - Game Board


    And... remember to participate in #GAAD, including promoting elder and disabled persons' access to technology as a facet of accessibility -  on the Third Thursday of May each and every year:  


  2. Donors can contribute to Helpertunity in large and small ways, and every contribution really does make a big difference!  If you prefer to give small contributions, then consider participating in our "Play-It-Forward" sponsorship ticket drives.  These booklets of special color-coded sponsorship-tickets guarantee a child to WIN a plush toy prize for playing one of Helpertunity's free educational games at a community outreach event.   

    Fun with bears


    Look for the bright Blue Helpertunity-Authorized "Play-It-Forward" Ticket Return-Envelope when supporting a participant who is taking part in this Helpertunity fundraiser.  The Blue Envelope is where our special participants, youth groups, individuals, and company teams record and track their "Play-It-Forward Ticket Sponsorship" progress, and record their contribution-collections; including donations made in cash, by check, or directly online, in order to earn their fundraiser particpation points and prizes.



    Hosting an Activity-athon is a great way to advocate for the needs of elderly and disabled patients; to educate the community about Helpertunity, and to volunteer time and effort from the convenience of your own location.  Activity-athons are custom designed to fit the abilities and time commitment of you and your team.  Activity-athons can take place in one day, or over the course of multiple days, in which participants complete a chosen activity task at a healthy and self-selected pace.  



    Printable Helpertunity Pledge Envelope for Hosting an Activity-Athon


    Participants can seek pledges and donations for their efforts, but fundraising is not required for participation.  Printable PDF Certificates will be supplied to the registering Team Captain.  Additional self-appointed incentives and festivities for your Team / Participants are encouraged. Official prizes may be awarded by Helpertunity, once funds have been submitted to the organization.  "Pledge & Activity-Tracking Envelopes" and "Donation Receipts" are located on the "How to Donate" Page of this site.  

    Please Register your Facility or Team before beginning your Activity-athon.


    Money Making


    Please call or e-mail Eileen Callejas directly at 407-234-4768 / Eileen@Helpertunity.org to complete the brief registration information.  Participation by Church and Civic Groups, Corporate Volunteer Teams, Facilities, Families, Partners, and Caring Individuals is encouraged.  Activity-athons were specially designed by Helpertunity so that elderly and disabled clients and participants can also enjoy and benefit from the event.

  3. "Projects" with Helpertunity are based on the interest of our disabled participants, and community supporters, to serve others in need.  Any person or team is invited to propose a "Project" to Helpertunity for consideration and collaboration.  Please review Helpertunity's "Our Projects" page posted on the website, to see if you might begin by supporting one of these efforts, before replicating or building a unique Helpertunity-Affiliated Project in your community.  Church and Civic Groups, Corporate Volunteer Teams, Care Facilities, Families, Partners, and Caring Individuals should Contact Eileen directly at 407-234-4768 or by e-mail: Eileen@Helpertunity.org with useful project proposals.

  4. Helpertunity reaches out to the local community as the culminating part of their "Play-it-Forward" and "Bear-Care Clinics" projects.  Sponsored-Hosting of Helpertunity's Games at a Corporate Family Picnic, Class Reunion, or Civic Association Event is also a great way to support our Charity's work while also directly benefiting a company's or association's members or employees with fun and purposefulness.


    Participants as young as Toddlers enjoy the efforts of the Nursing Home Residents in designing - preparing - and sample testing the Charitys Community Game Booths and Prizes


    Corporate sponsors are welcomed to assist Helpertunity in defraying the cost of conference and event booth-space, volunteer travel, presentation equipment, prize preparation and distribution, and more.  Provision of a booth structure, tables, and spaces are often required of the sponsoring host, while custom-designed games, booth decorations, and prizes can be provided by Helpertunity.


    Youth and Tweens especially enjoy winning prizes at Helpertunitys Public Event Day Game Booths


    In exchange for corporate sponsorship, Helpertunity also offers professional-looking in-booth signage, collaborative person-to-person marketing, and online advertisement for donors, based on their preference and social-responsibility-recognition needs.  Contact Eileen directly at 407-234-4768 or e-mail at Eileen@Helpertunity.org to discuss sponsorship, co-sponsorship, and sponsor-marketing details.


    Helpertunitys Game Booths are Popular across all Age Demographics