Encourage or Sponsor Activity Staff to be "Rec-Tech" Certified

Technology is a new addition to the elder and disadvantaged care industry.  Beyond using facility computers for administrative tasks, residents and clients can also benefit from modern advancements.


Teaching how Crafts and Technology fit together - Helpertunity inspires Activty Directors to shart sharing their projects and accomplishments on Facebook and Pinterest at the Annual Training Retreat in 2014
Teaching how Crafts and Technology fit together - Helpertunity inspires Activty Directors to shart sharing their projects and accomplishments on Facebook and Pinterest at the Annual Training Retreat in 2014


New and experienced Activity and Recreation Professionals can advance the industry by becoming "Recreation-Technology Certified" with the assistance of Helpertunity.  


Tech Savvy Activities Bingo - A Presentation based on the findings of a Research Project in Tech Access for Elderly Facility Patients

Rec-Tech Specialists focus on how to incorporate various technologies into an existing healthcare activity program, and how to work patiently with elderly and disabled clients.  


Teaching how Technology and Social Media Sharing with fellow Professionals can benifit the Eldercare Patient Community - when Activity Directors are Connected - Everyone else's lives can Improve too.
Teaching how Technology and Social Media Sharing with fellow Professionals can benefit the Eldercare Patient Community - when Activity Directors are better Connected - Everyone else's lives can Improve too.


Continuing Education Courses, Rec-Tech Training Scholarships, and Technology Training Contact-Hour Participation Certificates are offered live or via online/distanced instruction.  Contact Eileen@Helpertunity.org  or call 407-234-4768 for details.   


Tech Savvy Activities Bingo - A Presentation based on the findings of a Research Project in Tech Access for Elderly Facility Patients - Game Board


And... remember to participate in #GAAD, including promoting elder and disabled persons' access to technology as a facet of accessibility -  on the Third Thursday of May each and every year:  
