Helpertunity, along with our affiliated care facilities, realize the value of capturing photos and creating videos about the efforts of our marvelous volunteers and participants. And, often it is difficult for Recreation Professionals and Volunteers to juggle leading an activity, with our unique clients needs, AND be behind the camera too! Lending your creative media talents to Helpertunity could make all the difference.

If you have a particular talent for taking portraits and candid photos that show people at their best, please consider volunteering as a Helpertunity Photo-Journalist, and join our volunteers on a facility activity visit. If you have a particular talent with videography or multi-media, please consider volunteering to assist Helpertunity with creating and editing instructional videos and documentaries about our dedicated volunteers and their projects. Please contact Helpertunity directly to discuss your time availability and skills. Call 407-234-4768 or e-mail